Facial Sculpting At Home


If you have a couple extra minutes to spare during your skincare routine, consider dedicating them to facial massage. Whether you prefer to use your own hands or a specialized device, these are the best SKKN products to complement your practice.

01. Hyaluronic Acid Serum + Electrostimulation
Facial tools utilizing microcurrent or EMS for muscle stimulation often require the use of a water-based product to enhance conductivity. To prepare your skin for stimulation use our Hyaluronic Acid Serum as a conductive serum to allow your device to glide easily.
Shop Hyaluronic Acid Serum

02. Night Oil + Toning Devices
Joanna Czech's favorite gliding oil before using the Lyma Laser is our restoring Night Oil, because it leaves skin feeling hydrated and plump with just the right amount of slip.
Shop Night Oil 

03. Cleanser + Facial Massage

Not only does massaging your cleanser into the skin help dissolve makeup, unwanted oils, and impurities, it's also a great way to workout your face using only your hands.
Shop Cleanser

04. Oil Drops + Facial Sculpting Tools
Gua sha is well known to help improve lymphatic drainage and microcirculation. To minimize the risk of excessive friction or irritation, always apply a facial oil first, like Oil Drops to serve as a barrier between the tool and your skin.
Shop Oil Drops

Use this guide as a reference for any type of facial massage you choose to do.

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